Monday, April 5, 2010

Bishallach 3 4th parasha of Exodus

Intro the Exodus

Shmote Exodus

Vaera one

Vaera Moses Madoff and Pharoah's crown

Bo Let me people go

Bishalach Is the Exodus true 1

Bishalacvh Is the Exodus true 2

Yitro 10 commandments

Yitro Abraham Lincoln and the 10 commandments

mishpatim many laws

Mishpatim on Capital Punishment

Mishpatim-abortion verse

Terumah Build me a Tabernacle

titzaveh intyro

Titzaveh Ner tamid

Titzaveh clothing of the priests

Ki Teesa Shekel Golden Calf

Vayakhrel supreme life coach

Vayakhel Shabbat and Tabernacle

Last portion Pikudei